Counseling for Couples

Couples can often benefit from counseling either to resolve differences that otherwise might end their relationship, or to develop skills that enhance their intimacy. 
For example, one of the many important skills for maintaining a functional relationship is conflict resolution. Couples need the communication skills to be able to talk about hot topics without getting into an argument and making things worse. Couples need to use a mutually agreed upon conflict management strategy that is effective. Generally, the more intense the topic, the more useful it is to be quite formal when discussing it. At times, it can be greatly beneficial to have a third party’s help in keeping a conflict from escalating out of control.

Another important thing couples can get out of counseling is a clearer delineation of “my stuff” from “your stuff” so that each member of the couple is clear what his or her own material is to deal with. Sometimes this means that individual counseling on one or both member’s issues is more effective than working together as a couple.

I work with couples at all stages of relationships, from premarital, to marital and divorce. I am also an ordained minister and can officiate at weddings.

I draw from the work of skilled master therapists including Harville Hendricks, John Gottman, Gay Hendricks, Susan Waterman, John Gray and others.

My strongest credential in working with couples is my own successful relationship of more than 30 years.

If you want to improve your relationship, contact me now!